Common sense tips

You need to know

  • Install smoke detectors in all levels of your home. Make sure they are in bedrooms and in the hallways
  • Check the batteries on your smoke detectors monthly, or purchase a 10-year battery.
  • Keep a fire extinguisher in your kitchen, basement, and garage
  • Make a fire escape plan with your family. Once you have made the plan practice it twice a year.
  • Choose a place to meet outside that is a safe distance from your home.
  • Keep space heaters 3 feet away from anything that could catch fire. And turn them off when you leave
  • Avoid plugging multiple appliances into the same outlet.
  • Keep matches and lighters in secure places that kids cannot access.
  • Fire smoke is toxic, if there is smoke in your home get low and stay low as you make your escape.
  • Use the back of your hand to test the temperature of a doorknob or cracks in the door, if it is too hot, don’t open.  
  • If you cannot safely escape the building, cover any vents in the room to keep the smoke out and call 911.
  • Key Tip: Get out, stay out, then call for help.

Have a safety tip?


“Keep space heaters 3 feet away from anything that could catch fire. And turn them off when you leave”